Monday, February 3, 2014

Kale Chips

So recently, I have been on a health kick! I am trying to gain better control of what I eat and drink as I was noticing that my body was just feeling so gross. I know it's from me not listening to what it needed. I don't really eat fast food or have a problem with eating too much, it is just more that I'm not eating enough raw foods such as veggies, fruits, and nuts. I also drink a lot of beer (I love craft beer) and I can definitely feel it in my gut. Eewww. 

So, last week I challenged myself to a five day juice fast! It was awesome; I felt great and refreshed. I only drank juice that I made with veggies and fruit! I bought a lot of kale and used it as the base in most of my juice because after all, kale is a super food! It is jam packed full of nutrients and keeps you full!  I have always wanted to try kale chips and I finally did! The result was awesome! I really enjoy them! If you are a big chip lover and you are trying to be healthy these could be really great for you.  They are crunchy and full of flavor. I will definitely be buying more kale instead of chips from now on, plus they are SO easy to make!


1 bundle of kale
2 Tbls olive oil
1 Tbls Italian seasoning
Salt & pepper to taste

Rinse and dry the kale.  Pull the kale apart from the stem and place in a big bowl. Add the olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Toss until all the leaves are covered. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes.

I am making it a goal to have a healthy 2014, I am looking forward to sharing some of my favorite recipes I come across as the year goes on. I believe that having a healthy heart will not only make you live longer, but make you happier everyday! Who's with me?

Let us know what you think of kale chips! Are they a firm yes or a hard no for your nightly snack of choice?


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