There are so many great things about being single. Here is my quick Top 10 of the best things about flying solo!
10. No stupid fights. I never get in a fight with myself because generally, I like all the things I do.
9. Being so damn lazy and not feeling embarrassed about it because no one has to know except my cats.
8. I'm no longer "that girl" who only talks about her boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance. I get to be this girl, who is funny and cool.
7. No one is hogging the blanket at night and I can sleep like a starfish.
6. I don't have to share my cats affection with anyone else. Yes, I said it.
5. Personal hygiene on Sundays is optional.
4. Dating and all of the wild, awful, wonderful, and surprising moments and people that come along with it.
3. Doing the things I want to do. I get to watch my favorite shows and movies, go to my favorite restaurants, and listen to my favorite music without anyone's approval or disapproval.
2. I only have to impress one set of family and friends and because I share DNA with half of them, it isn't that hard.
1. The endless possibilities.
The one thing I do hate about being single is cooking for myself. I love to cook and sharing food with people is something I enjoy more than anything in the world. It can be really hard to find the time and energy to cook something. I also struggle with portions as it can be difficult to make just enough for one. So the easier and smaller the recipe, the better! Luckily, Bethany turned me on to to this simple potato recipe.
Much love and cooking!
Baked Potato for One
1 red potato
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2-3 Tbls melted butter
2-3 tsps chopped fresh herbs
Dollop of sour cream
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut the potato in thin slices about half way through, place potato in a baking dish, pour melted butter over the top, sprinkle with herbs, and bake for about 50 minutes. Take out, sprinkle with cheese, bake for another 15 minutes. Add sour cream and eat, eat, eat!

Have fun!
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