Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Open Faced {Egg Sandwich}

Today, I bring you an open faced egg sandwich! It's jam packed full of flavor and egg-y goodness. Whitney was over at my place all weekend for something really exciting (that we will share with you soon)! While she was here she made some bomb-diggity broiled turkey and gouda sandwiches and they were to.die.for.amazing.

So, you could say she inspired this little recipe I made up this morning.


1 slice of wheat bread, toasted 
1 egg, cooked over-easy
1-2 leafs of lettuce
1/4 cup tomato
1/8 cup cheddar cheese, shredded or sliced
Salt & pepper to taste

Cilantro and parsley for garnish 

Toast the bread while you are prepare the egg over easy. (If you are like me you should butter your toast. I love buttered toast!) Top the toast with the egg.  

Dice the tomato and chop the parsley and/or cilantro.  Top the egg with tomatoes and herbs and finish with cheese.  If desired, broil in the oven for a few minutes to warm and melt the sandwich.  

I piled it all sky high and dug right in and it was one tasty little breakfast! 

Stay tuned for some good eats this week!! 
